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appeal in french

appeal (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (52):
ajournement, appas, appel, appeler, appellation, appât, attraction, charme, citation, contremander, convoquer, décommander, dégurgiter, désaveu, enchantement, exception, fascination, grâce, haranguer, intimation, invitation, invocation, invoquer, magie, maléfice, militer, palinodie, parler, plaire, prestige, prononcer, ragoût, rappel, rappeler, rapporte, rapporter, rembourser, rendre, renvoyer, restituer, retourner, réclamer, référence, référé, rétractation, révocation, révoquer, sommation, sonner, séduction, vocable, vénusté
Related words:
french appeal, appeal upheld, appeal to authority, appeal thesaurus, appeal search, appeal parking ticket, appeal in french, ajournement in english
appeal in french