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censure in french

censure (Number of letters: 7)
Translations (46):
admonestation, admonester, admonition, animadversion, apostropher, blaguer, blâme, blâmer, censure, censurer, chapitrer, chiner, condamnation, condamner, contrôle, critique, critiquer, damnation, damner, diatribe, disputer, draper, désapprobation, désapprouver, désavouer, exhortation, fronder, improuver, mercuriale, monition, morale, navire, objurgation, redire, remontrance, reproche, réprimande, réprimander, réprobation, réprouver, répréhension, semonce, semoncer, vitupérer, vétiller, épiloguer
Related words:
french censure, censure wow, censure synonym, censure pronunciation, censure of eternal agony, censure in a sentence, censure in french, admonestation in english
censure in french