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jump in french

jump (Number of letters: 4)
Translations (47):
accroc, achoppement, anicroche, barrière, bond, bondir, cabriole, cabrioler, cahot, caillot, caracoler, contrariété, d, embarras, empêchement, encombre, entrave, excès, forjet, fringuer, gambade, gambader, gambiller, haie, haut-le-corps, hic, nerf, obstacle, obstruction, opposition, projecture, ressaut, resservir, ressort, saillie, saut, sauter, sautiller, sautée, soubresaut, soubresauter, sursauter, talus, traverse, tressauter, échappée, élan
Related words:
french jump, jumpsuit, jump the shark, jump the gun, jump starting a car, jump plymouth, jump in french, accroc in english
jump in french