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record in french

record (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (58):
administrer, alibi, annotation, argument, article, attestation, bordereau, brevet, bulletin, cadette, carreau, carte, certificat, chroniquer, contexte, cédule, disque, document, douaire, démonstration, enregistrement, enregistrer, flan, hypertexte, identité, insciemment, inscription, inscrire, lame, legs, liste, livre, livret, léguer, matricule, note, noter, notice, pièce, plaque, plaquette, plateau, prescrire, preuve, procès-verbal, procédure, protocole, recension, record, registre, registrer, régale, tessiture, texte, textuaire, tombe, témoignage, étoffe
Related words:
french record, record store day, record store, record power, record player, record of the day, record in french, administrer in english
record in french