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score in french

score (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (76):
aboutir, aboutissement, acquérir, addition, appréciation, arriver, atteindre, attraper, ballottage, calcul, capter, coche, cocher, compte, compter, conquérir, couper, coupure, cran, cranter, créneler, crêper, découvrir, effet, emporte, encocher, enseigne, entaille, entailler, entamure, enture, escompter, estimation, examen, exécution, facture, filigrane, fraiser, godronner, hoche, hocher, inciser, incision, indication, indice, intersigne, issue, jugement, label, marque, moucheture, nombrer, note, obtenir, partition, parvenir, performance, pinçon, point, prend, procurer, remporter, repère, réaliser, résultante, résultat, score, signal, signe, stigmate, succès, séduire, tabler, taxe, verdict, évaluation
Related words:
french score, score predictor, score on the doors, score on snapchat, score live, score hunter, score in french, aboutir in english
score in french