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share in french

share (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (61):
action, apanage, apport, astrolâtrie, avant-corps, campagne, chapitre, compartimenter, concours, contingenter, cotisation, coupon, culte, destin, destinée, disjoindre, disloquer, dissocier, distribuer, diviser, dédoubler, démancher, démembrer, déparier, départir, dévolu, fade, fait, fortune, fraction, gloire, honneur, interaction, lacérer, lot, opération, parcelle, parquet, part, partage, partager, participation, participer, partie, pièce, portion, prendre, quotité, ration, répartir, salut, schisme, scinder, scission, sort, subdiviser, séparer, tranche, zoolâtrie, écot, élément
Related words:
french share, share to buy, share tips 2014, share tips, share this, share prices, share in french, action in english
share in french