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shroud in french

shroud (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (54):
abat-jour, abat-vent, abri, abriter, armure, banne, biser, blindes, bouclier, brise-vent, cacher, carter, celer, chape, chaperonner, courtine, couverture, couvrir, custode, dissimuler, défendre, défense, dérober, emmailloter, enrober, envelopper, habiller, hauban, jalousie, linceul, manteau, mantelet, marronner, masquer, offusquer, ombrager, parasoleil, pavillon, protection, receler, remmailloter, renfermer, retrancher, revêtement, rideau, rotonde, store, suaire, tablier, tunique, tégument, voile, voiler, écran
Related words:
french shroud, shroud of turin fake, shroud of turin, shroud of the avatar kickstarter, shroud of the avatar, shroud of ruin, shroud in french, abat-jour in english
shroud in french