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termination in french

termination (Number of letters: 11)
Translations (46):
about, aboutissement, accroc, achoppement, achèvement, aggravation, aileron, anicroche, appesantissement, barrière, bout, cahot, caillot, charge, chargement, clôture, conclusion, contrariété, densité, dénouement, désinence, embarras, embout, empêchement, encombre, entrave, expiration, extrémité, faix, fardeau, fin, finale, haie, hic, obstacle, obstruction, opposition, palpeur, pesant, pesanteur, poids, queue, terme, terminaison, traverse, épilogue
Related words:
french termination, termination technology, termination point, termination pill, termination of pregnancy, termination of employment letter, termination in french, about in english
termination in french