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correct in spanish

correct (Number of letters: 7)
Translations (43):
acertado, acomodado, adecuado, ajustado, aparente, apropiado, arreglar, cabal, calificado, castigar, certero, competente, conveniente, correcto, corregir, correspondiente, corriente, debido, decente, decoroso, derecho, encarnecer, enmendar, equitativo, exacto, feliz, idóneo, justo, logrado, mejorar, mejorarse, nacido, normal, oportuno, penar, pertinente, propio, rectificar, recto, regular, reparar, reprimir, tempestivo
Related words:
spanish correct, correct use of apostrophe, correct uk time, correct tyre pressure, correct squat form, correct posture, correct in spanish, acertado in english
correct in spanish