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handle in spanish

handle (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (59):
administrar, agarradero, amputar, asa, asestar, astil, atender, botón, capitanear, celebrar, conducir, conmemorar, conmover, controlar, cortar, despachar, dirigir, eludir, empuñadura, encaminar, enderezar, girar, gobernar, guiar, llevar, manecilla, manejar, mango, manija, manipular, manita, menear, moverse, mástil, oficiar, ojo, oreja, orejita, orientar, oído, palpar, picaporte, prescindir, procesar, pulsar, puño, regir, revolver, rodar, rotar, rozar, servir, tentar, tocar, toque, tornear, tratar, tratarse, volver
Related words:
spanish handle, handlebars, handle with care lyrics, handle with care jodi picoult, handle with care chords, handle with care, handle in spanish, administrar in english
handle in spanish