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move in spanish

move (Number of letters: 4)
Translations (46):
adelantar, ademán, afectar, agitar, alejar, alterar, apartar, apartarse, arrancar, atizar, avanzar, circulación, circular, conducir, conmover, conmoverse, desentenderse, desplazar, efectuar, emocionar, empujar, enternecer, estremecer, hacer, impulsar, jugada, lance, locomoción, marcha, moción, mover, moverse, movimiento, mudanza, mudarse, pasar, progresar, promoción, remover, sacar, tocar, toque, trasladar, trasladarse, tráfico, tránsito
Related words:
spanish move, move your frame, move with us, move to australia, move residential, move lyrics, move in spanish, adelantar in english
move in spanish