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shroud in spanish

shroud (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (43):
abrigar, abrigarse, amparo, antifaz, biombo, broquel, callar, caparazón, celar, celosía, cobertura, cobijar, cortina, cubrir, defensa, disfrazar, disimular, embalar, embozar, encubrir, enmascarar, envolver, esconder, esconderse, escudar, escudo, frazada, manta, mortaja, ocultar, ocultarse, ofuscar, pantalla, persiana, protección, rebozar, recatar, reservar, sudario, tapa, tapar, vela, velo
Related words:
spanish shroud, shroud of turin fake, shroud of turin, shroud of the avatar kickstarter, shroud of the avatar, shroud of ruin, shroud in spanish, abrigar in english
shroud in spanish