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abolish in french

abolish (Number of letters: 7)
Translations (37):
abolir, abroger, annuler, atterrer, avaler, blairer, casser, composter, descendre, digérer, déclore, détaxer, effacer, endurer, enlever, essuyer, faire, infirmer, liquider, neutraliser, proscrire, pâtir, raturer, reléguer, renverser, retrancher, réformer, souffrir, subir, subvertir, supporter, supprimer, tolérer, écarter, éliminer, évacuer, ôter
Related words:
french abolish, abolish the monarchy, abolish the house of lords, abolish the bbc, abolish tax disc, abolish synonym, abolish in french, abolir in english
abolish in french