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address in french

address (Number of letters: 7)
Translations (50):
acheminer, adresse, adresser, agilité, allocution, amener, apostrophe, apostropher, appel, arrêter, artifice, braquer, dextérité, direction, diriger, discours, doigté, dégurgiter, efficacité, efficience, fonctionnement, habileté, harangue, haranguer, industrie, intituler, légèreté, manifeste, militer, mécanisme, orienter, parler, pointer, politique, proclamation, prononcer, rapporte, rapporter, rembourser, rendement, rendre, renvoyer, restituer, retentir, retourner, savoir-faire, subtilité, suscription, titrer, truć
Related words:
french address, address to the toothache, address to the lassies, address to a haggis, address search, address lookup, address in french, acheminer in english
address in french