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bundle in french

bundle (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (54):
ballot, balluchon, baluchon, botte, bottelette, bouquet, bourdonnet, bourre, bourrée, colis, dossier, emballage, emballer, empaquetage, empaqueter, enchaîner, enrouler, envelopper, fagot, fagotin, faisceau, fascicule, fichier, gerbe, glane, habiller, havresac, liasse, lier, ligoter, margotin, nodule, nouer, paquet, paqueter, pinceau, plumasseau, poignée, portemanteau, rattacher, rempaqueter, renchaîner, tapon, tente, tortillon, touffe, trochet, troue, trousse, trousseau, tutu, unir, vin, épouser
Related words:
french bundle, bundle stars, bundle of joy, bundle of holding, bundle of his, bundle of groceries, bundle in french, ballot in english
bundle in french