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edge in french

edge (Number of letters: 4)
Translations (64):
about, accusé, acre, acrimonieux, acérer, acéré, affiler, affilé, affûter, aigre, aigu, aiguiser, arête, atterrage, austère, berg, bord, border, bordurer, bourrelet, brûlant, carne, chant, chaussons, cinglant, collerette, cuisant, côte, dent, débarrer, encadrer, enchâsser, enrouler, glisser, inclément, intense, lame, limbe, lisière, marge, meuler, mouliner, orée, ourlet, perçant, piquant, pointe, pointer, pointu, queue, rebord, reculer, rigoureux, rivage, rive, roule, rouler, rude, sévère, taillant, tranchant, âpre, éloigner, épicé
Related words:
french edge, edgehill go, edge of tomorrow trailer, edge of tomorrow, edge of heaven cast, edge of heaven, edge in french, about in english
edge in french