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outgrowth in french

outgrowth (Number of letters: 9)
Translations (39):
aboutissement, appendice, ballottage, brin, brout, caecal, conséquence, contrecoup, cours, course, drageon, effet, excroissance, exécution, hypertrophie, issue, loupe, madrure, plant, pousse, rameau, rapidité, répercussion, résultante, résultat, sarment, scion, score, stolon, succession, succès, suite, surcroissance, tendron, tige, tubercule, tubérosité, vitesse, élan
Related words:
french outgrowth, outgrowth synonym, outgrowth rogue drone hive, outgrowth on skin, outgrowth of punk rock, outgrowth of bone, outgrowth in french, aboutissement in english
outgrowth in french