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shape in french

shape (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (52):
aide-mémoire, air, aperçu, aperçue, apparence, aspect, cadre, camaïeu, charpenter, compendium, configuration, configurer, conformer, contour, contournement, croquis, délinéament, délinéation, effigie, encolure, esquisse, faciès, façonner, figure, forme, former, galbe, galber, huile, image, ligne, linéament, mine, modeler, morigéner, moule, osseuse, paraître, peinture, photo, physique, portrait, profil, pétrir, silhouette, squelette, tableau, tracé, trait, vue, ébauche, écorce
Related words:
french shape, shapeshifter, shape song, shape poems, shape of training, shape of my heart, shape in french, aide-mémoire in english
shape in french