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warrant in french

warrant (Number of letters: 7)
Translations (53):
accuser, assurance, assurer, attester, autorisation, autoriser, aval, caution, cautionner, certifier, commandement, commission, confirmer, contre-caution, corroborer, disculper, disposition, défilement, délégation, excuse, excuser, fidéjussion, fixer, gage, gager, garantie, garantir, habilitation, habiliter, impératif, injonction, justifier, mandat, nantissement, obliger, ordonnance, ordre, palladium, pouvoir, prescription, procuration, protection, prouver, préservation, rassurer, rendre, répondre, sauvegarde, sceller, surface, sûreté, vérifier, warranter
Related words:
french warrant, warrant officer, warrant of possession, warrant of execution form, warrant of execution, warrant group, warrant in french, accuser in english
warrant in french