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pluck in spanish

pluck (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (42):
arrancar, arrastrar, batir, brío, chocar, coger, congregar, coraje, corazón, denuedo, desarraigar, deshilar, desplumar, esfuerzo, espíritu, extraer, fajar, golpear, herir, hígado, latir, mendigar, osadía, pegar, plantar, pordiosear, quebrar, rasgar, recoger, reunir, reunirse, romper, sacudida, tirar, tirón, topar, topetar, unirse, valentía, valor, vencer, ánimo
Related words:
spanish pluck, pluck up the courage, pluck point, pluck nose hair, pluck foam, pluck eyebrows, pluck in spanish, arrancar in english
pluck in spanish