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start in spanish

start (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (43):
ahuyentar, amilanar, asustarse, atemorizar, aterrar, aterrorizar, cabeza, coger, comenzar, comienzo, constituir, crear, desbocar, empezar, entablar, espantar, establecer, estatuir, estremecerse, fuente, fundar, génesis, horrorizar, horrorizarse, implantar, iniciar, inicio, instituir, nacimiento, origen, plantear, ponerse, principiar, principio, quebrar, remontar, romper, rudimento, salida, salir, sentar, umbral, venera
Related words:
spanish start, start warwick, start up loans, start the bus, start rite, start rescue, start in spanish, ahuyentar in english
start in spanish