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steady in spanish

steady (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (61):
abalanzar, acallar, acompasado, acordar, adormecer, alto, amainar, apaciguar, aplacar, aquietar, atemperar, brioso, cabal, calmar, calmarse, cicatrizar, concertar, consistente, convenir, desalterar, determinar, duro, edificar, entibiar, estabilizar, estable, establecer, fijar, firme, fornido, fuerte, igual, intenso, intermitente, liso, llano, macho, macizo, mitigar, pacificar, par, parejo, piano, plano, poderoso, potente, pujante, raso, recto, robusto, semejante, sentar, serenar, sosegar, sólido, templar, tieso, tranquilizar, uniforme, vigoroso, violento
Related words:
spanish steady, steady the buffs, steady state theory, steady state, steady hand game, steady flow energy equation, steady in spanish, abalanzar in english
steady in spanish