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light in danish

light (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (58):
ansvarsløs, antenne, belyse, belysning, blank, bleg, blid, blond, blød, brand, bål, distinkt, faste, festlig, flamme, flink, forfængelig, from, fyr, fyre, genial, glad, glans, glimre, glinse, godartet, gren, gusten, ild, ildne, klar, komisk, kul, len, let, lette, lindring, lun, lys, lyse, lystig, mild, morsom, munter, netto, oplagt, oplyse, prange, ren, rolig, sjov, skinne, skoen, slank, soleklar, sød, tydelig, tænde
Related words:
danish light, light year, light switches, light shades, light in the box, light headed, light in danish, ansvarsløs in english
light in danish