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charter in french

charter (Number of letters: 7)
Translations (42):
affréteur, aéronef, bail, bailler, baleinier, bateau, bateau-pilote, bénéfice, cargo, carte, charter, cotre, dogre, embaucher, frontispice, frégate, fréter, garde-côte, location, louer, maquilleur, matricule, navire, navire-hôpital, navire-école, nef, négrier, paquebot, patache, patrouilleur, postale, privilège, privilégier, prérogative, régale, statut, superbénéfice, tartane, thonier, ticket, vaisseau, écriteau
Related words:
french charter, charter travel, charter theatre preston, charter school, charter of fundamental rights, charter medical centre, charter in french, affréteur in english
charter in french