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wretched in french

wretched (Number of letters: 8)
Translations (43):
abominable, antipathique, besogneux, calamiteux, chétif, dégoûtant, désastreux, détestable, exécrable, fadasse, fatal, fichu, funeste, futile, haïssable, indigent, infortuné, innommable, malchanceux, malencontreux, malheureux, mesquin, minable, mince, misérable, miséreux, miteux, méchant, nécessiteux, néfaste, odieux, panne, pauvre, pied-plat, pitoyable, piètre, pouilleux, repoussant, rébarbatif, répugnant, sinistre, triste, vilain
Related words:
french wretched, wretched tv, wretched soul, wretched radio, wretched of the earth, wretched hive of scum and villainy, wretched in french, abominable in english
wretched in french