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twist in portuguese

twist (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (44):
complicar, curva, curvar, códice, deformar, devolutiva, dobrar, empalem, enredar, enroscar, envolver, esquivar, fila, fio, girar, giro, intricar, linha, loucita, meandro, papel, recordo, reembolso, retorcer, retorno, revolução, revolver, rizar, rodar, rolo, rosca, rotacional, soltar, torcedura, torcer, tornada, tornear, trepar, vez, viaje, virar, volta, voltar, volver
Related words:
portuguese twist, twist wendover, twist of the wrist, twist greenock, twist and wrap dress, twist and tango, twist in portuguese, complicar in english
twist in portuguese