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twist in spanish

twist (Number of letters: 5)
Translations (57):
circunvolución, complicar, contorcerse, contorsión, curva, curvar, deformar, devolución, dislocar, doblar, embalar, embrollar, encrespar, enmarañar, enredar, enroscar, ensortijar, envolver, escurrir, esquivar, evolución, expresión, fajo, frase, girar, giratorio, giro, hebra, hilado, hilo, intrincar, liar, locución, porro, reembolso, restitución, retorcer, retorno, revolución, revolver, rizar, rodar, rollo, rotación, sesgo, tejer, tirar, torcedura, torcer, tornada, tornear, torsión, trenza, trenzar, vez, virar, vuelta
Related words:
spanish twist, twist wendover, twist of the wrist, twist greenock, twist and wrap dress, twist and tango, twist in spanish, circunvolución in english
twist in spanish