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warrant in spanish

warrant (Number of letters: 7)
Translations (51):
abonar, abono, acreditar, acusar, afianzar, afirmar, amparo, apremio, asegurar, asegurarse, aseverar, autorización, autorizar, bando, carta, caución, cercenar, certificar, comprobar, concertar, confirmar, contestar, corroborar, decreto, defensivo, disculparse, dominación, dominio, excusar, fianza, fuerza, garantir, garantizar, garantía, justificar, justificarse, legalizar, legitimar, mandato, orden, ordenanza, plenipotencia, poder, poderes, precepto, prescripción, protección, responder, sanear, seguridad, sellar
Related words:
spanish warrant, warrant officer, warrant of possession, warrant of execution form, warrant of execution, warrant group, warrant in spanish, abonar in english
warrant in spanish