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circle in french

circle (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (82):
association, autour, bande, bicyclette, botte, cachet, cadre, caracoler, catégorie, ceindre, cercle, cercler, cerne, cerner, circonférence, circonvolution, circuit, circuler, classe, compagnie, condition, consortium, contour, corder, couronne, câbler, cénacle, disque, district, département, embarder, embrasser, enceinte, encercler, enclore, engainer, ensemble, entourer, environ, environner, escobarder, finasser, fraiser, frisotter, gauchir, graviter, groupe, heptade, insigne, intergroupe, jeton, lez, marque, mémento, ménestrandie, orbite, organisation, parader, parasélène, pourtour, périmètre, périphérie, renarder, rond, ronde, roue, rôder, signe, signet, société, syndicat, tergiverser, timbre, timbre-poste, tordre, tortiller, tour, tournailler, tourner, tournoyer, trio, troupe
Related words:
french circle, circle theorems, circle of willis, circle of life lyrics, circle of life, circle of friends, circle in french, association in english
circle in french