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circle in portuguese

circle (Number of letters: 6)
Translations (51):
aceno, aproximadamente, associação, banda, bando, bicicleta, brigada, cerca, cercar, cerco, circuito, circular, circundar, circunferência, colectivo, companhia, comunidade, conjunto, corro, círculo, destacamento, disco, distrito, envolver, equipe, facção, girar, grupo, lote, marca, parceria, redondo, retorcer, revolver, rizar, roda, rodar, rodear, ronda, selo, signo, sinal, sociedade, torcer, tornear, trotar, turma, virar, voltar, volver, âmbito
Related words:
portuguese circle, circle theorems, circle of willis, circle of life lyrics, circle of life, circle of friends, circle in portuguese, aceno in english
circle in portuguese