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hit in french

hit (Number of letters: 3)
Translations (44):
air, attaque, attaquer, atteindre, atteinte, attiger, baffer, battement, battre, beigne, chanson, chansonnette, choc, choquer, clapper, claquer, coup, craquer, croquer, crépiter, débattement, enregistrement, fesser, frappement, frapper, férir, grésiller, heurt, heurter, impact, percussion, percute, percuter, péter, pétiller, rebattement, secousse, succès, taper, tomber, toquer, toucher, télescoper, éclat
Related words:
french hit, hit training, hit the road jack lyrics, hit the road jack, hit the deck, hit the button, hit in french, air in english
hit in french