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hit in spanish

hit (Number of letters: 3)
Translations (42):
acertar, alcanzar, atinar, azote, batimiento, batir, canción, chascar, chasquear, chisporrotear, chocar, choque, cornada, crepitar, crujir, embate, encontrón, encuentro, estallar, fajar, galleta, golpe, golpear, grabación, herir, impacto, latir, palo, pegar, plantar, puñetazo, registro, restallar, tocar, tonada, topar, topetar, trompazo, vencer, zumbar, zumbido, éxito
Related words:
spanish hit, hit training, hit the road jack lyrics, hit the road jack, hit the deck, hit the button, hit in spanish, acertar in english
hit in spanish