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toss in french

toss (Number of letters: 4)
Translations (84):
agiter, aperçu, balancer, basculer, bercer, bouleverser, bousculer, branler, brimbaler, cahoter, chalouper, chambarder, chanceler, chavirement, chavirer, choquer, commotion, convulsion, corner, coup, cuisiner, culbuter, dandiner, darder, discontinuer, dodeliner, dodiner, driller, décliner, déranger, farfouiller, ficher, flageoler, flotter, fluctuer, forer, fourgonner, foutre, frétiller, gigoter, grelotter, heurt, hocher, ichnographie, impact, inquiétude, intervertir, jet, jeter, jetée, lancement, lancer, orthographie, osciller, patiner, penalty, percer, piaffer, pivoter, projection, projeter, rebuter, rejeter, relancer, rembarrer, renverser, renvoyer, repousser, retourner, réprouver, répudier, rétrospection, saisissement, secouer, secousse, séisme, tanguer, tourner, trembler, vaciller, virer, à-coup, ébranlement, épure
Related words:
french toss, tosspot, toss the turtle unblocked, toss the turtle hacked, toss the turtle 2, toss the turtle, toss in french, agiter in english
toss in french