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toss in portuguese

toss (Number of letters: 4)
Translations (55):
abalar, abanar, acometida, arremessar, arrojar, atirar, bambolear, botar, brocar, choque, consociar, denegar, derribar, desfechar, despedir, destituir, disparar, empunha, entornar, estremecer, estímulo, furar, girar, golpe, impacto, impugnar, impulso, lançamento, lançar, menear, pancada, perfurar, rechaçar, recusar, renegar, repelir, repente, repudiar, revirar, revolver, rodar, sacudir, saltar, sismo, tirada, tirar, tiritar, titubear, tornear, tremer, trotar, vacilar, virar, voltar, volver
Related words:
portuguese toss, tosspot, toss the turtle unblocked, toss the turtle hacked, toss the turtle 2, toss the turtle, toss in portuguese, abalar in english
toss in portuguese