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toss in spanish

toss (Number of letters: 4)
Translations (71):
abalanzarse, acunar, agitar, agujerar, ansia, arrojar, balancear, bambolear, barrenar, botar, cabecear, choque, cunear, denegar, derribar, desechar, despedir, disparar, echar, echarse, estremecer, estremecimiento, fluctuar, girar, golpe, horadar, impacto, lance, lanzamiento, lanzar, mecer, menear, moverse, oscilar, postrar, proyección, proyectar, puñetazo, rebotar, rechazar, rehusar, remecer, renunciar, repeler, repudiar, repulsar, revolcar, revolver, rodar, rotar, sacudida, sacudir, saltar, taladrar, tambalear, temblar, temblor, terremoto, tirada, tirar, tiritar, tiro, tirón, titubear, tornear, trastornar, vacilar, vibrar, volcar, volver, zarandear
Related words:
spanish toss, tosspot, toss the turtle unblocked, toss the turtle hacked, toss the turtle 2, toss the turtle, toss in spanish, abalanzarse in english
toss in spanish